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GitHub Community Slack Channel

The Operations Engineering team also manages a Slack channel dedicated to all things GitHub under the name #github-community.

The aim of the channel is to provide the following:

  • A safe space for users to discuss anything and everything related to GitHub.

  • An avenue for Operations Engineering to provide news and updates from GitHub, including changes made by us.

  • A way to get feedback from our users to understand common pain points relating to GitHub.

  • A place for users to learn new skills and share interesting discoveries.

We only ask that requests related to access are kept to the #ask-operations-engineering channel in order for us to better track these types of requests.

GitHub Community Rules

Respect: Always treat your colleagues with respect. Everyone is here to learn, contribute, and engage in productive discussions.

Professional Conduct: Keep the conversation professional. Avoid any content considered offensive, disruptive, or inappropriate in a workplace context.

Relevance: Keep discussions and shared content relevant to the focus of this channel, which is sharing knowledge and best practices around development and analysis within the Ministry of Justice.

Constructive Feedback: When providing feedback, ensure it is constructive, respectful, and aimed at promoting growth and learning. Avoid personal criticism.

Avoid Spam: Refrain from posting unnecessary or repetitive content, advertising, or spam.

Confidentiality: Do not share sensitive or confidential information. Follow all the Ministry of Justice guidelines regarding data security and privacy.

Problem-solving: If you’re posting about a problem or issue you’ve encountered, provide as much detail as you can to make it easier for others to help.

Engage and Participate: Join in, ask questions, answer queries, and share your knowledge! The more you participate, the more valuable this community will be for everyone.

Making Feature Requests to GitHub

We encourage developers and analysts to suggest improvements and new features to GitHub. Please visit the GitHub Feature Requests for detailed instructions on how to submit your feature request and track its progress.

This page was last reviewed on 22 March 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 22 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 22 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.