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DockerHub Account Management

The Operations Engineering team manages the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) DockerHub account, which includes the administration of user licenses for Docker Desktop.

Overview of Tools

  • Docker Desktop: This is a desktop application for managing and running Docker containers.

Note: A licensed Docker account is required to use Docker Desktop for MoJ-related tasks.

  • DockerHub: DockerHub serves as a repository for Docker images.

License Requirements for Docker Accounts

A licensed Docker account is mandatory for any MoJ work involving Docker Desktop. Employees must be affiliated with the MoJ DockerHub organisation.

How to Register with MoJ DockerHub

The “ministryofjustice” DockerHub organisation is set to automatically include members who sign in using GitHub single-sign-on (SSO) with a email. Follow these steps to register:

  1. Visit DockerHub and sign up using your email.
  2. Follow the SSO authentication process linked to your GitHub account.
  3. Upon completion, you’ll be added to the ministryofjustice Docker organization.

Please use a name close to your actual name for easier identification during the Joiners, Movers, and Leavers Process (JML).

If you wish to use an existing DockerHub account, ensure it’s linked to your email. The SSO process will integrate your existing account with the MoJ organization.

Reminder: Your GitHub account must use your email as the primary email.

Logging In

To log in, access DockerHub via this link or through the Docker Desktop app. Choose ‘GitHub’ for SSO authentication.

Support and Troubleshooting

  • To ensure compatibility with SSO, install Docker Desktop 4.4.2 or later.
  • If you have any issues, please reach out to #ask-operations-engineering on Slack.
This page was last reviewed on 23 April 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 23 July 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 23 July 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.