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OS Data Hub API’s


The Ministry of Justice uses OS Data Hub for a number of address and map API tools.

Here are the APIs that are available:

Requesting an API Keys

If you require keys for OS Places API please contact #ask-operations-engineering slack channel or with the following information:

  • Name of the API service you wish to access
  • Business Area e.g. HMCTS
  • Service Name e.g. Apply for Probate Online
  • Environment Type e.g. Production

You can request as many keys as you require i.e. you may want one per environment type.

All keys issued offer the full functionality of the product, irrespective of whether it is for non-production or production purposes.

Keys will be issued to the requestor via a secure method.

Cost of OS Places API

There is no cost to service teams for use of the service. The MoJ is part of the Public Sector Geospacial Agreement which makes the service free to Public Sector organisations.

Revoking Keys

If an API key is no longer required please contact #ask-operations-engineering slack channel or for the key to be revoked.

What if my key gets exposed?

OS Data Hub API keys should be treated like any secret/credential. If exposed please contact #ask-operations-engineering slack channel or immediately for the key to be revoked and a replacement issued.

Whilst the API provides data that is already in the public domain, there is the potential for financial risk to the Ministry of Justice should a key be misused.

Further Support

Full documentation for the APIs can be found here.

If further support from Ordnance Survey is needed please contact #ask-operations-engineering slack channel or, with details for required support, in the first instance so that a ticket can be raised.

This page was last reviewed on 4 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 4 December 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 4 December 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.